The pr command (43.7) displays your files with a nice header above them. But it can also add a bunch of blank lines to fill a page and break the file to add more headers in the middle if the file is longer than a page. This article shows alternatives to pr that print a single header followed by the entire file, with no extra blank lines or page breaks.
When you redirect the output of more (25.3) (or pg) somewhere besides a terminal, it doesn't stop at the end of a screenful. It prints a little header above each file and outputs all the files at once. Instead of redirecting the output to a file, you could pipe it to another program - like your print spooler:
cat | % |
Another way to get similar headers is a feature of
head (25.20):
when you give multiple filenames, it
adds a header above each.
To be sure head gives you all of your file (not just the head), use a
line count bigger than any of your files, with a command like
head -10000
Bourne shell for loops with redirected output (45.22) let you combine a bunch of commands and grab the output of all of them at once. Here's a loop that runs ls -l on each file. It uses awk (33.11) to print just the file's permissions (field 1), last modification date (fields 6-8), and name (field 9, not including any name from a symbolic link). (You could pipe use more awk formatting to make a fancier heading - and get rid of the echo commands, too.) The output is redirected to a file named printme; as already stated, a pipe to your printer program will also work.
$for f in file*
>echo =====================================
>ls -l $f | awk '{print $1, $6, $7, $8, $9}'
>echo =====================================
>cat $f
>done > printme
$cat printme
============================================= -rw-r----- Oct 28 07:28file1
============================================= ...contents of file1.... ============================================= -r--r--r-- Nov 3 09:35file2
============================================= ...contents of file2.... ...
If you use those last two tricks a lot, you might put them into an alias, function, or shell script (10.1).